Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Yesterday I was in New York

A couple of months ago, I sent some images of my Big Food Series to OK Harris Works of Art in New York City. Mr. Ethan Karp wrote me back, telling me that he was intrigued by them and would like to see some in person.

My family is from NJ, and we went to visit with them for Easter and brought some my paintings to NYC to show Mr. Karp yesterday.

We were very lucky that my sister Beth and brother in law Anthony came with us. Anthony was familiar with driving in the city and did a excellent job navigating us there. We were not sure that we could find a parking spot and it was a question as to how I would get the large painting to the door of the gallery. It worked out fine as we reserved a spot for the car in a parking garage close to the gallery. My husband built a cart we named "The Art Cart" for the paintings and we pushed it up the city block.

 Meeting Ivan and Ethan Karp was a delight. It was such an honor to meet them. It was surreal to see my work leaning up against the walls that have had so many important artists hanging on them.
Ethan viewed the work first,  and after a short while went and got Ivan to come and see them.  They liked them very much and Ivan told me that he would write me down as a “qualified candidate for a show.” He said that he could not guarantee a show, but I am thrilled with potentially showing at OK Harris Works of Art!


  1. Congratulations on your big day in New York! Sounded strangely familiar! Whatever the outcome, the experience will stay with you forever.

    Best of luck, Mary Ellen.

